domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2024

Back to old coping mechanisms

 I'm letting myself fall into a pit of sensless sorrow,

as if my heart was hollow.

The hours are heavy,

there's guilt for slidying slowly

into this dwelling horror.

Should I at least fight it?

I tried already, just a lid on my soul

wouldn't be enough to hide it.

Getting distracted with duties and random cuddles

wouldn't relieve the scars deeply marked

over my shineless armor.

My trust to the world is gone,

the struggle is tought to handle.

I need help, my strength is febled,

it all got too heavy, there's too many shadows.

Who'd have said I'd cared so much

for that old shackle? 

I can't undo the love i wasted on his ankles.

It all feels like far off dreams

that vanished with the cockcrow.

a blackhole on my chest.

Is there even a propose?

I feel like setting fire to what's left,

making bad choices

just to pinch me 'til it bled.

Is there even a hug out there

capable of reassembling my broken shreds?